Tag Archives: Vanoxerine 2HCL (GBR-12909)

Most studies on men seeking men and who use the Internet

Most studies on men seeking men and who use the Internet for sexual purposes have focused on the epidemiological outcomes of Internet cruising. from mid-sized cities and large cities compared to men from smaller cities found Internet cruising and emailing to be erotic. Most notably bisexual- and heterosexual-identifying men seeking men compared to gay-identifying men found these acts to be more erotic. Our results suggested that self-contained Internet cruising might provide dual functions. For some men (e.g. heterosexual-identifying men) the behaviour provides a sexual outlet in which fantasy and experimentation may be explored without risking stigmatization. For other men (e.g. those from large cities) the behaviour may be an alternative to offset sexual risk while still being able to ‘get off’. seeking sexual encounters requiring face-to-face contact. This study will seek to uncover which men seeking men find Internet cruising and emailing erotic in order to contribute to a better understanding of the Vanoxerine 2HCL (GBR-12909) Internet’s role in the lives of these particular groups of men. Hypotheses Given that little research on Internet cruising as an erotic and self-contained act has been conducted more study is needed to explore which factors impact men seeking men who use the Internet for erotic online purposes. Situated within and suggested by the previous literature this study proposes: H1: Younger men seeking men will find Internet cruising and emailing to be more erotic compared to older men seeking men. H2: Less educated men seeking men will find Internet cruising and emailing to be more erotic compared to more educated men seeking men. H3: Men seeking men from smaller cities will find Internet cruising and emailing to be Vanoxerine 2HCL (GBR-12909) more erotic compared to men seeking men from more urban areas. H4: Bisexual and heterosexual self-identifying men Vanoxerine 2HCL (GBR-12909) seeking men will find Internet cruising and emailing to be more erotic NBP35 compared to homosexual self-identifying men seeking men. Methods Procedures We used a cross-sectional design with a sample of men seeking men on craigslist.org. A 15-minute survey was emailed to men who posted sexual advertisements under the ‘men seeking men’ section on craigslist.org. Specifically men who posted advertisements under this section on craigslist.org were sent a block message asking them to help the researchers understand the sexual behaviour and health of men who cruise for sex online. They were also provided a link to follow if interested in completing the survey. The data were collected from January to March of 2008. As with most studies that offer no compensation for participants’ time our study had a relatively low response rate (around 5%) compared with the number of total solicitations emailed (>10 0 emails). Yet it is impossible to know how many individuals literally received the email opened it and Vanoxerine 2HCL (GBR-12909) made a conscious decision to ignore it. A more meaningful statistic may be that about 72% of those who started the survey (or 531 men) completed the survey in its entirety. The solicitation was sent to men posting in all cities in Australia Canada New Zealand the UK and the USA. The topics covered included demographics physical appearance social identity the participants’ attitudes current relationship status numbers of sexual partners sexual behaviours condom and drug use sexual health and craigslist.org use (see Klein et al. 2010 for more information). Measures The key dependent variable was the erotic cyber-communication scale (ECCS). This variable was an eight-item scale that asked men to rate their craigslist.org use in relation to different erotic acts of emailing and Internet cruising. The actual items along with the seven-point agreement scale may be found in Table 1. All statements combined to create a scale (the ECCS) with good reliability = 0.78. Scores were summed and re-coded creating a measured range of 1 to 46. The closer to 46 the more erotic Internet cruising and emailing was considered to be by the participant. Because this was Vanoxerine 2HCL (GBR-12909) a scale we conceptualised and operationalised we ran a confirmatory factor analysis with Varimax rotation to uphold the appropriateness of keeping the scale as one coherent factor. The analysis admittedly produced two factors with Eigenvalues above one and which accounted for 58% of the variance. The factors their components and each item’s loading may be viewed in Table 1. The cutoff loading for inclusion in a factor was .50 (Pedhazur and Schmelkin 1991). Ultimately it was due to this last criterion.