The primers for each gene were used in the concentration of 900 nmol

The primers for each gene were used in the concentration of 900 nmol. Not Infected. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM8_ESM.pdf (455K) GUID:?D1861164-D743-42B4-BA6D-A314E094E075 Additional file 9. Enriched terms subset in up-regulated genes between Control Not Infected vs Supplemented Not Infected. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM9_ESM.pdf (246K) GUID:?96C789AB-323F-4E15-A045-323DAE865C41 Additional file 10. Enriched terms in up-regulated genes between Supplemented Infected vs Control Infected. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM10_ESM.pdf (645K) GUID:?BE0E443E-2079-4433-8031-F1B727AF62A2 Additional file 11. Enriched terms in the list of differentially up-regulated genes between the groups Control Infected vs Supplemented Infected. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM11_ESM.pdf Isoprenaline HCl (843K) GUID:?0C1B981C-4937-4424-920B-9C8BB057B918 Additional file 12. Average liveweight and age ( standard deviation) for each group at the beginning and end of the experiment. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM12_ESM.pdf (156K) GUID:?5B78578D-2B70-46E3-8748-1D777BD15195 Additional file 13. Composition of the control protein and supplemented protein diets. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM13_ESM.pdf (143K) GUID:?1D5133A0-3A74-49FA-A902-C68136D0D6D7 Additional file 14. Bromatological composition (g?kg-1 of dry matter at 100?C) and energy (MJ) of the diets ingredients. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM14_ESM.pdf (140K) GUID:?7AFE45FF-3B4B-4A25-A04A-E72040F5F501 Additional file 15. Bromatological analysis of the diet. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM15_ESM.pdf (115K) GUID:?5AF4E73B-8155-4308-B019-9A1FF432CC17 Additional file 16. List of ovarian RNA samples, their concentration, 260/280 and 260/230 absorbance ratios. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM16_ESM.pdf (146K) GUID:?1F9E378D-9C52-4983-9EB3-1FD844EB4C0E Additional file 17. EM estimation algorithm procedure. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM17_ESM.pdf (133K) GUID:?C24DF756-9F44-4319-8452-75DFA5015C90 Additional file 18. Statistical methodology used in the Enrichment analysis. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM18_ESM.pdf (164K) GUID:?A1B52939-52AD-4AAB-8086-E13D7F647FF8 Additional file 19. Protein Network analysis. 12917_2021_3020_MOESM19_ESM.pdf (142K) GUID:?7C110E8C-1097-4817-A859-25120276E3AC Data Availability StatementThe datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available in the Additional files. The files that are not in this section may be provided under reasonable request to Dr. Helder Louvandini C e-mail address: Abstract Background The ewe lamb nutritional and physiological state interfere with the ovarian environment and fertility. The lack or excess of circulating nutrients reaching the ovary can change its gene expression. A protein deficiency in the blood caused by an abomasal infection is detrimental to the organisms development during puberty. The peripubertal period is a time of intensive growth that requires a high level of nutrients. An essential feature controlling pubertal arousal and female reproductive potential is ovarian follicle growth activation. Protein supplementation improves the sheeps immune response to helminthic infections. We aimed to determine if supplementing protein in infected ewe lambs diet would impact the ovarian environment leading to earlier ovarian follicle activation than in infected not supplemented animals. Methods We fed 18 Santa Ines ewe lambs (L3 larvae. Following 77?days of the diet and 42?days of infection, we surgically collected their left ovaries and examined their genes expression through RNA sequencing. Results We found that protein supplementation in infected animals led to an up-regulation of genes (FDR causes severe blood losses, anaemia, blood coagulation issues, impaired nutrient utilisation and intense antibody production [8]. These symptoms affect productivity and survival and are a product of defences performance. In humans, a potential costs of immune activation is the suppression of reproductive function [9]. One of the consequences of a nutritional deficit in ewe lambs is the delayed first ovulation [10]. Environmental resources and risks determine developmental and reproductive Isoprenaline HCl strategies. Early in development, the Rabbit Polyclonal to RAD21 balance of investment in innate versus acquired immunity is optimised in response to local ecological conditions. An abundance of nutrients, high pathogen exposure, and low signals of death likelihood at sensitive periods of immune development, should favour higher levels of investment in acquired immunity and still allow for timely reproductive success [11]. Proteins supplementation to growing sheep during infection resulted in improved immunity against gastrointestinal nematodes [12]. By providing nutritional therapy for the animal to balance its homeostasis and combat the parasite, anthelminthic therapy may be avoided or diminished. develops resistance to anthelmintic drugs shortly after being exposed to them [13, 14]. Besides, anthelminthic therapy increases sheep production costs and may leave residuals in sheeps milk, meat and waste [15C17]. As Isoprenaline HCl residues presence in animal products is becoming a significant complaint in public health and environment, more sustainable management to fight helminthic infections should be sought. So, if a higher protein intake is supplied to fight the organic imbalance and build an immune response against the parasite, it could also benefit ovarian activation in pubertal ewe lambs. The ovulation rate increased in mature ewes fed with Isoprenaline HCl high protein or energy [18]. Also, an intermediate level of protein supplementation in.