Success in substance abuse treatment is improved by problem recognition desire to seek PD173955 help and readiness to engage in treatment all of which are important aspects of motivation. Motivation scales were conceptualized as representing sequential stages of switch. LISREL was used to test a structural model including TRIP participation gender drug use severity juvenile justice involvement age race-ethnicity prior treatment and urgency as predictors of the stages of treatment motivation. Compared to standard practice adolescents receiving TRIP demonstrated greater gains in problem recognition even after controlling for the other variables in the model. The model fit was adequate with TRIP directly affecting problem acknowledgement and indirectly affecting later stages of change (desire for help and treatment readiness). Future studies should examine which specific components of TRIP impact change in motivation. = 9 months). The TRIP curriculum was first introduced to program administrators in late 2011 and then introduced to important treatment staff prior to program implementation. Program administrators attended a 1-day meeting on the overall approach (rationale for TRIP introduction to TRIP manual and activities) and were asked to cautiously consider which of their clinical staff should be trained on TRIP and how the curriculum would best be implemented at their facility (e.g. 2 weekly sessions over 4 weeks 4 weekly sessions over 2 weeks etc.). A ��train-the-trainer�� model was used whereby two clinical staff (recognized by program administrators) attended a 2-day training on implementing TRIP curriculum in its entirety. The training covered the use of Mapping-Enhanced Counseling an overview of session content how to facilitate session activities how to train and PAP-A utilize peer mentors and strategies for implementing the curriculum at their particular site. Attendees were responsible for conducting TRIP groups at their companies and for training additional staff to ensure that the TRIP curriculum would continue in the event of staff turnover. Continuing education credits for training participation were provided. Participating programs received all materials needed to implement TRIP (manual Downward Spiral game and a flash drive with all curriculum and training materials). The 100 page TRIP manual includes (1) a syllabus outline and rationale for each module; (2) a detailed description time needed and materials list for each activity; and (3) a clinical script for session facilitation along with clinical prompts and processing questions. The detailed facilitator��s manual enables clinicians with varying levels of experience to facilitate or co-facilitate sessions after a brief orientation to the session. Each 90-minute module is usually structured to shift the conversation platform between lecture didactic individual and group every 25 moments. TRIP sessions were integrated into clinical practice at each PD173955 facility approximately one month after the staff training. The integration of TRIP sessions into clinical practice typically involved a displacement of less structured time PD173955 rather than a alternative of current clinical programming. New clients who enrolled following TRIP implementation were strongly motivated and expected to attend TRIP sessions although exemptions were given to clients who were both re-admitted to the facility and who experienced previously participated in the TRIP curriculum (approximately 2 clients per month across programs). One of the programs served as the training and implementation pilot and therefore received curriculum training and began conducting groups earlier than the other programs. Curriculum facilitation continued between 6 and 12 months with the goal PD173955 of each facility completing at least 10 cycles of the 8 curriculum modules using an open-enrollment process. PD173955 Information on group attendance and fidelity to curriculum content were reported by group facilitators after each TRIP session using fidelity checklists (observe Knight Dansereau et al. 2014 2.1 Facility sample Eight adolescent community-based residential substance abuse treatment programs in 3 says were recruited in 2010 2010 with assistance from regional Dependency Technology Transfer Centers (ATTCs). Residential programs were targeted because the restrictive environment provided greater control for.